AIMCM Contact Management

Price: $445.00
Manufacturer Part #:  AIMCM
Call to order - 800-670-1736
Contact Management is used to manage the contact between your store and customers/prospects. You can establish memos to remind yourself to perform a certain action with the customer on a certain date. The actions might be as diverse as calling to notify of an upcoming sale, calling because a payment was promised and not received or following up with a potential customer. You may even want to set yourself and your employees up as customers in order to maintain a calendar of activities, i.e. call newspaper regarding ad, remind employees of meetings, birthday reminders, etc. You will have a better organized staff if the Contact Management system is used to its fullest potential and all employees make a habit of checking their open issues when first arriving at work and throughout the work day. This is an add on module, the AIM Basic Package is required.